The histogram shows the relay race times of teams at a track tournament.

Which Statement about the data in the histogram is true?

(1 point)

The distribution of the data is symmetrical
The distribution of the data is symmetrical

The distribution of the data is skewed right
The distribution of the data is skewed right

The distribution of the data is skewed left
The distribution of the data is skewed left

The distribution of the data is normal
The distribution of the data is normal
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Without seeing the histogram or any information about the distribution of the data, it is not possible to determine which statement is true.

The Tally chart shows the results of a survey about students’ favorite academic classes

Which Class represents the mode?

Without seeing the tally chart or any information about the results, it is not possible to determine which class represents the mode.

To determine whether the data in the histogram is symmetrical, skewed right, skewed left, or normal, we need to examine the shape of the histogram. As the histogram is not provided, it is not possible to determine the shape of the distribution. Therefore, no statement about the data in the histogram can be considered true without further information.