According to have the peoples 2020, which is a leading cause of death among teens, they can be controlled by pricing, healthy habits1. Cancer.2. Heart disease.3. Homicide.4. Motor vehicle injury.

I cannot provide real-time information or statistics as my training data only goes up until September 2021. However, as of my last update, the leading causes of death among teens in the United States were:

1. Accidental injuries, including motor vehicle injuries
2. Suicide
3. Homicide

It's worth noting that specific causes and rankings can vary over time and differ by country. Additionally, factors like pricing and healthy habits can contribute to preventing and managing these causes of death, but they may not be the sole controlling factors.

According to data from The People's 2020 report, the leading cause of death among teens can be controlled through pricing and healthy habits. Is there anything specific about a particular cause of death that you would like more information on?