Summarize how the Declaration of Independence embodies social contract theory in action.(1 point)

The Declaration of Independence lists the how the monarchy protected the people.

The Declaration of Independence lists all of the ways that the colonists felt their liberties had been violated by the king.

The Declaration of Independence was the first U.S. Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence describes how the United States government is arranged.

The Declaration of Independence embodies social contract theory in action by describing how the colonists were being ruled by a monarchy that had violated their rights and liberties. It highlights the idea that government exists to protect the people and that if it fails to do so, the people have the right to overthrow it and establish a new system of governance.

The Declaration of Independence embodies social contract theory in action by outlining how the monarchy, represented by the king, failed to fulfill its duty of protecting the rights and liberties of the people. The document specifically lists various ways in which the colonists felt their liberties had been violated. It is important to note that the Declaration of Independence is not the first U.S. Constitution and does not describe how the government is arranged.