Write a function rule that represents the sentence.

7 less than three fifths of b is a.
(1 point)

7 minus three-fifths b equals a
Image with alt text: 7 minus three-fifths b equals a

three-fifths a minus 7 equals b
Image with alt text: three-fifths a minus 7 equals b

7 minus b equals three-fifths a
Image with alt text: 7 minus b equals three-fifths a

three-fifths b minus 7 equals a

Explanation: The function rule that represents the sentence "7 less than three fifths of b is a" is "three-fifths b minus 7 equals a". This rule corresponds to the sentence structure and accurately represents the relationship described in the sentence.

The function rule that represents the sentence "7 less than three fifths of b is a" is:

a = 7 - (3/5)b