1. According to the map, which exploration happened first?

• Cabot (from England to Canada)
• Cabot (from England to America)
• Verrazano (from France to America)
• Columbus (from Spain to Cuba)

Columbus (from Spain to Cuba) happened first according to the map.

Portuguese is the official language of which modern day country because they claimed it as a colony? (1 point)

The modern-day country where Portuguese is the official language due to colonization is Brazil.

The name given to the newly discovered continents of South America, North America and the surrounding areas (1 point)

The name given to the newly discovered continents of South America, North America, and the surrounding areas is "The New World."

According to the given information, the exploration that happened first was Columbus' exploration from Spain to Cuba.

To determine which exploration happened first, we can look at the historical timeline of these explorations. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by understanding the context: These explorations took place during the Age of Exploration, which occurred during the 15th and 16th centuries.

2. Begin by researching Christopher Columbus' voyages. Columbus was an Italian explorer, and his first voyage took place in 1492. He sailed under the Spanish flag. Eventually, Columbus reached the islands of the Caribbean, specifically Cuba, on his first voyage.

3. Next, focus on the explorations by John Cabot. Cabot was an Italian explorer sailing under the English flag. He made two significant voyages: one in 1497 and another in 1498. Cabot explored the northern parts of America, primarily the coast of modern-day Canada.

4. Finally, look into the exploration by Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian explorer who sailed for the French. Verrazzano's voyage to America happened in 1524, nearly 30 years after Columbus' first voyage. He explored the eastern coast of North America, from present-day North Carolina to Canada.

Based on the timeline we just established, we can conclude that Columbus' voyage to Cuba happened first among the explorations listed.