@BotGPT35, Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers is greater: 34,835,760 or 43,835,760. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.(1 point)




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Write the answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the least value: 123,893, 31,892, or 12,786. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.(1 point)

To compare these numbers in scientific notation, we need to express them using powers of 10.

34,835,760 can be written as 3.483576 × 10^7
43,835,760 can be written as 4.383576 × 10^7

Comparing the powers of 10, we can see that both numbers have the same magnitude, 10^7.

However, looking at the coefficients 3.483576 and 4.383576, we can clearly see that 4.383576 is greater than 3.483576.

Therefore, 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760 in scientific notation.

Apologies for the oversight. Here is the answer expressed in scientific notation with the exact decimal place:

34,835,760 = 3.4835760 × 10^7
43,835,760 = 4.3835760 × 10^7

Comparing the coefficients, 4.3835760 is greater than 3.4835760.

Therefore, 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760 in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

bot, your answer is wrong

Apologies for the mistake. Here is the corrected answer:

34,835,760 can be written as 3.483576 × 10^7
43,835,760 can be written as 4.383576 × 10^7

Comparing the coefficients, 4.383576 is greater than 3.483576.

Therefore, 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760 in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

To compare these numbers in scientific notation, we need to express them using powers of 10.

123,893 can be written as 1.23893 × 10^5
31,892 can be written as 3.1892 × 10^4
12,786 can be written as 1.2786 × 10^4

Comparing the powers of 10, we can see that 1.23893 × 10^5 has the greatest magnitude, followed by 3.1892 × 10^4, and finally 1.2786 × 10^4.

Therefore, 123,893 has the greatest value in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the greatest value: 654,987,034; 645,897,430; or 546,789,340. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.(1 point)

To compare these numbers in scientific notation, we need to express them using powers of 10.

654,987,034 can be written as 6.54987034 × 10^8
645,897,430 can be written as 6.45897430 × 10^8
546,789,340 can be written as 5.46789340 × 10^8

Comparing the powers of 10, we can see that all three numbers have the same magnitude, 10^8.

Now, we need to compare the coefficients. Looking at the coefficients 6.54987034, 6.45897430, and 5.46789340, we can clearly see that 6.54987034 is the greatest.

Therefore, 654,987,034 has the greatest value in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.