rephrase "The movement of tectonic plates causes sedimentary rocks to be subjected to high temperatures and pressures, leading to the recrystallization and transformation of the rocks into metamorphic rocks with new mineral compositions and textures."

Sedimentary rocks are exposed to elevated temperatures and pressures due to the shifting of tectonic plates, resulting in the alteration of their mineral compositions and textures as they recrystallize and transform into metamorphic rocks.

make it more simple

The movement of tectonic plates heats up and puts pressure on sedimentary rocks, changing them into metamorphic rocks with different minerals and textures.

rephrase The movement of tectonic plates heats up and puts pressure on sedimentary rocks, changing them into metamorphic rocks with different minerals and textures."

The shifting of tectonic plates applies heat and pressure to sedimentary rocks, causing them to transform into metamorphic rocks with altered minerals and textures.

In one to two sentences, identify and describe the processes that must happen for sand to eventually become metamorphic rock.(2 points)

For sand to eventually become metamorphic rock, it must first undergo compaction and cementation to form sandstone, then experience increased temperatures and pressures caused by tectonic plate movement, leading to recrystallization and transformation into a metamorphic rock such as quartzite.

rephrase it

To transform sand into metamorphic rock, it undergoes compaction and cementation to become sandstone, and later experiences elevated temperatures and pressures due to tectonic plate movement, resulting in recrystallization and the formation of metamorphic rock like quartzite.

shorten it