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Simplify the following expression.

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To simplify the expression 4(20+12)÷(5-3), we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS).

First, we simplify the expression inside the parentheses: 20+12 = 32.

Next, we multiply 4 by 32: 4(32) = 128.

Then, we simplify the expression inside the second set of parentheses: 5-3 = 2.

Finally, we divide 128 by 2: 128 ÷ 2 = 64.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 64.

To simplify the expression 4(20+12)÷(5−3), follow the order of operations, which is parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), and then addition and subtraction (from left to right).

1. Start by simplifying the expression within the parentheses: 20 + 12 = 32.

2. Rewrite the expression with the simplified part: 4 * 32 ÷ (5 - 3).

3. Perform the subtraction within the brackets: 5 - 3 = 2.

4. Rewrite the expression again: 4 * 32 ÷ 2.

5. Now, perform the multiplication: 4 * 32 = 128.

6. Rewrite the expression once more: 128 ÷ 2.

7. Finally, perform the division: 128 ÷ 2 = 64.

Therefore, the simplified expression for 4(20+12)÷(5−3) is 64.