Read the sentence below, and use context clues to determine the meaning of the

Do not embroil me in your argument because I want to stay out of it
What is most likely the definition of the word embroil?

Based on the context clues provided, the most likely definition of the word "embroil" is to involve someone in a conflict or argument.

Read the sentence below, and use context clues to determine the meaning of the word ebullient.

The coach's ebullient speech got the team excited about the upcoming game.
Which person is most likely to be ebullient?

Based on the given sentence, the person who is most likely to be ebullient is the coach.

The word "embroil" in the given sentence is used in the context of an argument and someone wanting to stay out of it. From this context, the most likely definition of "embroil" is to involve or entangle someone in a conflict or argument.