Jerry is considering whether to open a new business in Florida or Costa Rica. The ultimate location of the business could impact the

a. amount of business income that is taxable

b. tax rates applied to the business income

c. both the amount of business income taxed and tax rates applied to it.

I thinks its C. Is this correct?

answer is C, uj_ranchi at yah00

Yes, you are correct. The ultimate location of Jerry's business could indeed impact both the amount of business income that is taxable and the tax rates applied to that income.

To determine which location would have tax implications on Jerry's business income, he should consider the following factors:

1. Taxable business income: Each location may have different rules and thresholds for determining the amount of business income that is taxable. For example, in Florida, there is no personal income tax, so Jerry might not have to pay state income tax on his business income. On the other hand, Costa Rica may have its own tax laws, which could affect the amount of taxable income.

2. Tax rates: Even if the amount of business income is the same in both locations, the tax rates applied to that income may differ. Some areas may have lower tax rates or more favorable tax structures for businesses, while others may have higher tax rates that could impact Jerry's bottom line.

3. Deductions and exemptions: Another factor to consider is the availability of deductions and exemptions that can reduce the taxable income. Different locations may have different rules regarding these deductions and exemptions, which can affect the overall tax liability.

In summary, Jerry needs to carefully evaluate the tax laws and regulations of both Florida and Costa Rica to determine how they would impact his business income. Both the amount of business income taxed and the tax rates applied to it can vary based on the chosen location, making option C the correct answer.