How does choosing words with a certain connotation imply bias?(1 point)


by creating language that is subjective
by creating language that is subjective

by contradicting the tone of the speaker
by contradicting the tone of the speaker

by avoiding sources that are objective
by avoiding sources that are objective

by engaging the emotions of the audience

by creating language that is subjective

by engaging the emotions of the audience

By engaging the emotions of the audience.

Choosing words with a certain connotation can imply bias because the connotation of a word carries a certain emotional weight. When someone uses words with positive or negative connotations, they are subtly influencing the emotions and perceptions of the audience. This can be done intentionally or unintentionally, but it can undoubtedly introduce bias into the language being used. For example, using words like "brave" and "heroic" to describe someone's actions implies a positive connotation, while using words like "reckless" and "careless" implies a negative connotation. By selecting words that evoke specific emotions or judgments, the speaker or writer can steer the audience towards a particular perspective or opinion. It is crucial to be aware of these connotations and consider how they may affect the overall fairness and objectivity of the information being presented.

by engaging the emotions of the audience