which kind of information, Texas a book, written by historian about the life and Times of George Washington

"Texas: A Book written by the Historian about the Life and Times of George Washington" would likely contain information about Texas during the time period George Washington lived, particularly focusing on his life and influence in relation to the state of Texas. The book might cover aspects such as events and people significant to Texas history during the times of George Washington, his impact on the region, his interactions with Texans, and any connections between Texas and the American Revolutionary War or early American history.

The book "Texas" is not specifically related to George Washington. It focuses on the history, culture, and development of the state of Texas. If you are looking for information about the life and times of George Washington, there are plenty of other books available. One highly regarded biography is "Washington: A Life" by Ron Chernow, which provides a detailed account of George Washington's life and his role in shaping American history.