If the recommended adult dosage for a drug is D in Mg then to determine the appropriate dosage c for a child of age a pharmacist use the equation c=0.0417D(a+1) suppose the dosage for an adult is 500mg

Find the slope

In the given equation c=0.0417D(a+1), the coefficient of D is 0.0417. Therefore, the slope of this equation is 0.0417.

To find the slope in the equation c = 0.0417D(a + 1), we need to express it in the standard form of a linear equation, y = mx + b, where y represents c, x represents D, m represents the slope, and b represents the y-intercept.

In this case, c = 0.0417D(a + 1) can be rewritten as c = 0.0417Da + 0.0417D.

To find the slope, we need to isolate the D term. Hence, we can rewrite the equation as:

c = 0.0417Da + 0.0417D
c = D(0.0417a + 0.0417)

Now, we see that the slope, m, is 0.0417a + 0.0417.