What is 0.26 written as a fraction in simplest form?

(1 point)

Start Fraction 26 over 100 End Fraction
Image with alt text: Start Fraction 26 over 100 End Fraction

Start Fraction 13 over 50 End Fraction
Image with alt text: Start Fraction 13 over 50 End Fraction

Start Fraction 26 over 10 End Fraction
Image with alt text: Start Fraction 26 over 10 End Fraction

Start Fraction 13 over 25 End Fraction

Start Fraction 13 over 50 End Fraction

To write 0.26 as a fraction in simplest form, you can use the decimal representation to convert it.

0.26 can be written as 26/100.

Simplifying this fraction gives us 13/50.

Therefore, the answer is:

Start Fraction 13 over 50 End Fraction