What is the gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder?

Oil = 0.88m
Poil = 790kg
Brine = 1.11m
Pbrine = 1,025 kg

To find the gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder, we need to calculate the pressure at that point.

1. Convert the heights of the oil and brine to meters:
Oil = 0.88 m
Brine = 1.11 m

2. Calculate the pressures at the bottom of the oil and brine columns:
Poil = 790 kg/m^3
Pbrine = 1025 kg/m^3

Pressure at the bottom of the oil column = Poil * g * height_oil
= 790 kg/m^3 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 0.88 m
= 6665.44 Pa

Pressure at the bottom of the brine column = Pbrine * g * height_brine
= 1025 kg/m^3 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1.11 m
= 10977.45 Pa

3. Add the pressures of the oil and brine columns to find the total pressure at the bottom of the cylinder:
Total pressure = Pressure at the bottom of the oil column + Pressure at the bottom of the brine column
= 6665.44 Pa + 10977.45 Pa
= 17642.89 Pa

Therefore, the gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder is 17,642.89 Pa.

To calculate the gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder, you need to take into account the pressure due to the weight of the liquids above it.

Step 1: Calculate the pressure due to the weight of the oil:
The pressure due to the weight of the oil can be calculated using the formula:

Pressure = Density × Gravity × Height

Density of oil (ρoil) = 790 kg/m³
Height of oil (Hoil) = 0.88 m
Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s²

Pressure due to the weight of the oil (Poil) = ρoil × g × Hoil

Step 2: Calculate the pressure due to the weight of the brine:
The pressure due to the weight of the brine can be calculated using the same formula:

Density of brine (ρbrine) = 1,025 kg/m³
Height of brine (Hbrine) = 1.11 m

Pressure due to the weight of the brine (Pbrine) = ρbrine × g × Hbrine

Step 3: Calculate the total gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder:
To find the total gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder, you need to add the pressure due to the weight of the oil and the pressure due to the weight of the brine.

Total gauge pressure (Pgauge) = Poil + Pbrine

Plug in the known values and calculate the gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder.