What is the equivalent of 16.5 knots per minute?

840 NM per hour squared
1,558 km per hour squared
0.51 km per minute squared
300 NM per minute
None of the choices

None of the choices listed is equivalent to 16.5 knots per minute.

To find the equivalent of 16.5 knots per minute in the given options, we can convert knots to another unit and compare the conversions:

1 knot is equal to 1 nautical mile per hour (NM/h).

Converting 16.5 knots to NM/h:
16.5 knots * 1 NM/h = 16.5 NM/h

Now, let's compare this to the given options:

- 840 NM per hour squared: This is not equivalent to 16.5 NM/h, as it involves squaring the units.
- 1,558 km per hour squared: This is not equivalent to 16.5 NM/h, as it involves km instead of NM.
- 0.51 km per minute squared: This is not equivalent to 16.5 NM/h, as it involves km instead of NM and squaring the units.
- 300 NM per minute: This is not equivalent to 16.5 NM/h, as it involves minutes instead of hours.

Therefore, none of the given options is equivalent to 16.5 knots per minute.