The Pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact when they were anchored off the shore of Massachusetts.

Why did they not create a government before leaving England?

(2 points)

There could be a few reasons why the Pilgrims did not create a government before leaving England:

1) Fear of persecution: The Pilgrims were a religious minority who faced persecution in England. They sought refuge in a new land where they could establish their own society and practice their religion freely. Creating a government before leaving England might have drawn unwanted attention and increased the risk of persecution.

2) Uncertainty about the location: When the Pilgrims set sail, they intended to settle in Virginia. However, due to storms and navigational challenges, they ended up off the coast of Massachusetts. The uncertainty about their final destination might have made it impractical or unnecessary to establish a government before leaving England.

Overall, the Pilgrims' primary focus was on finding a new place to settle and practice their religion, rather than establishing a government beforehand.

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The Pilgrims did not create a government before leaving England for several reasons:

1. Limited Resources: The Pilgrims were a group of Separatist Puritans who faced severe persecution in England. They had limited resources and were fleeing in haste to seek religious freedom. Thus, their main priority was to escape persecution and reach a new land rather than establishing a formal government.

2. Permission from the King: The Pilgrims did not have permission from the King of England to settle in the New World. They were considered dissenters and were not officially sanctioned. As a result, it would have been illegal for them to establish a government in England before their departure.

3. Uncertain Destination: When they left England in 1620, the Pilgrims' destination was initially intended to be Virginia. However, due to storms and navigational difficulties, they ended up landing in Massachusetts. This uncertainty about their final destination made it impractical to establish a government in advance.

Instead, when they arrived off the shore of Massachusetts on the Mayflower, the Pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact in order to establish a temporary agreement for self-governance until a more permanent government could be organized. The Mayflower Compact was a contract among the settlers that outlined their agreement to submit to the laws and decisions made by their elected leaders, and it became an important precursor to the establishment of democratic governance in what would later become the United States.

The Pilgrims did not create a government before leaving England for several reasons:

1. Religious Persecution: The Pilgrims were a religious group seeking religious freedom. They faced persecution and were not allowed to practice their faith freely in England. Creating a government or openly discussing their plans could have drawn attention and further persecution.

2. Illegality: Leaving England without permission from the King was considered illegal. If they had openly created a government, it would have been seen as an act of rebellion and would have made it even more difficult for them to escape unnoticed.

3. Time Constraints: The Pilgrims had limited time and resources. Leaving England was not a simple task, as they had to gather supplies, negotiate with financiers, and secure a suitable ship. Creating a government would have required additional time and effort.

Therefore, once they arrived in Cape Cod, near present-day Massachusetts, the Pilgrims immediately realized the need for order and unity. They recognized the need for a governing document, leading to the creation of the Mayflower Compact on November 11, 1620. This document established a social contract among the Pilgrims, outlining guidelines for self-governance and securing their cooperation in the early days of their settlement.