How was the initial reason most settlers came to new Netherland different from reasons most settlers came to the surrounding English colonies

A. The English mostly came for religious reasons why many immigrants settled in the new Netherland to mind gold and silver
B. The English Nashly came through Elsie and glory. How many immigrants settled in the new Netherland to prosper as tobacco farmers
C. The English mostly came for religious reasons by many immigrants settled in the new Netherland to gain wealth in the booming for trade
D. The English mostly came for wealth while many immigrants settled in the new Netherland to enjoy religious freedom.

C. The English mostly came for religious reasons while many immigrants settled in New Netherland to gain wealth in the booming fur trade.

Why waa the exonomy in tnew england colonies different from the economy in the middle colonies

C. The English mostly came for religious reasons, but many immigrants settled in New Netherland to gain wealth in the booming fur trade.

To determine the correct answer, we need to compare the initial reasons most settlers came to New Netherland with the reasons most settlers came to the surrounding English colonies.

A. The statement that "The English mostly came for religious reasons while many immigrants settled in New Netherland to mine gold and silver" is incorrect. The English settlers did come primarily for religious reasons, seeking a place to freely practice their religion. However, there is no evidence to suggest that the settlers in New Netherland were primarily focused on mining gold and silver.

B. The statement that "The English mostly came through easy sailing and glory, while many immigrants settled in New Netherland to prosper as tobacco farmers" is incorrect. While the English settlers did seek opportunities for economic prosperity, such as tobacco farming, there is no evidence to support the idea that they came for easy sailing and glory.

C. The statement that "The English mostly came for religious reasons, while many immigrants settled in New Netherland to gain wealth in the booming fur trade" is correct. The English settlers did come to the English colonies primarily for religious reasons, seeking freedom to practice their religion. On the other hand, many immigrants settled in New Netherland to pursue profitable opportunities in the fur trade.

D. The statement that "The English mostly came for wealth, while many immigrants settled in New Netherland to enjoy religious freedom" is incorrect. While it is true that the English settlers were motivated by the desire for wealth and economic success, they also sought religious freedom. On the other hand, the settlers in New Netherland were primarily interested in economic opportunities rather than religious freedom.

Based on these explanations, the correct answer is C. The English mostly came for religious reasons, while many immigrants settled in New Netherland to gain wealth in the booming fur trade.