Search for a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 popular thinkers who give/gave definition, meaning, and/or assumption of art.

1. Aristotle - Greek philosopher who believed that art imitates nature, leading to the discovery of universal truths.

2. Plato - Ancient Greek philosopher who saw art as mere imitation and believed it should serve moral and educational purposes.
3. Immanuel Kant - German philosopher who argued that art provides aesthetic pleasure and is based on subjective judgments.
4. Leo Tolstoy - Russian writer and philosopher who saw art as a means of transmitting universal feelings and emotions.
5. Friedrich Nietzsche - German philosopher who viewed art as a form of self-expression that could challenge societal norms and values.
6. John Dewey - American philosopher who emphasized the experiential aspect of art and believed it to be a meaningful human endeavor.
7. Jean-Paul Sartre - French existentialist philosopher who argued that art is a way to confront and question the absurdity of existence.
8. Walter Benjamin - German philosopher who discussed the role of art in the age of mechanical reproduction, focusing on its loss of aura and authenticity.
9. Andy Warhol - American artist who popularized the idea that anything could be considered art, challenging traditional definitions.
10. Michel Foucault - French philosopher who examined how power dynamics shape the production and perception of art.
11. Marshall McLuhan - Canadian philosopher who explored the relationship between art and media, emphasizing its role in shaping society.
12. Jacques Derrida - French philosopher who studied the deconstruction of traditional concepts and meanings in art and language.
13. Susan Sontag - American writer and philosopher who analyzed the cultural and political implications of photography and art.
14. Hans-Georg Gadamer - German philosopher who discussed the interpretive nature of art and its role in facilitating dialogue and understanding.
15. Roland Barthes - French philosopher who explored the semiotics of art and photography, emphasizing the importance of interpretation.
16. John Berger - British art critic who emphasized the social and political dimensions of art in his book "Ways of Seeing."
17. Julia Kristeva - Bulgarian-French philosopher who examined the role of art in relation to the unconscious and the formation of self-identity.
18. Arthur Danto - American art critic and philosopher who discussed the concept of the "artworld" and the distinction between art and non-art.
19. Jacques Rancière - French philosopher who examined the distribution of "the sensible" in art, focusing on the role of aesthetics in politics.
20. Howard Gardner - American psychologist who developed the theory of multiple intelligences, which includes artistic intelligence as a distinct form of human expression.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you search for a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 popular thinkers who have provided definitions, meanings, and assumptions about art:

1. Start by opening a web browser on your device.
2. Go to a search engine, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
3. In the search bar, type "popular thinkers who define art" or "famous philosophers on the meaning of art" to find relevant results.
4. Browse through the search results and look for articles, blog posts, or academic sources that discuss the topic.
5. Read through the articles and identify the philosophers or thinkers mentioned who have provided their insights on the definition, meaning, or assumption of art.
6. Make a list of their names as you come across them. Ensure that you find a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 thinkers.
7. Once you have compiled a list of names, you can search for each thinker individually to find more specific information about their perspectives.
8. Open a new tab or window in your browser and enter the name of the first thinker from your list.
9. Explore the search results and visit reputable sources such as academic websites, published papers, or reputable books to gain a better understanding of the thinker's ideas about art.
10. Make note of the key points, quotes, or definitions related to art that the thinker has provided.
11. Repeat steps 8-10 for each thinker on your list until you have gathered sufficient information.
12. After you have collected information on all the thinkers, compile a comprehensive list of their names along with their respective definitions, meanings, or assumptions about art.

Remember to verify the credibility of the sources and use reputable academic or scholarly sources whenever possible. This will ensure that you are gathering accurate information from reliable thinkers.