1. Which statement investigates the origin of the transatlantic trade network?

A. The transatlantic trade network originated with the increased demand for enslaved labor in the Americas.
B. The transatlantic trade network originated with the growth of mercantilism and the need to transport goods across the Atlantic Ocean.
C. The transatlantic trade network originated with the growth of nationalism, as countries amassed colonies as a symbol of power.
D. The transatlantic trade network originated as a response to power imbalances between the colonies and their mother countries.

2. Use the text excerpt to answer the question.

Some historians are convinced that the expansion of slavery was linked to profits planters made from growing cash crops such as tobacco, rice, indigo, and sugar. By the eighteenth century the sugar islands in the Caribbean served as a major market place for enslaved people. The sugar crop and enslaved harvesting of the crop were a major income source for plantation owners in the Caribbean.

Which of the following accurately investigates the reasons why the African slave trade spread to the Caribbeans?

A. The growing demand for sugar encouraged plantation owners to purchase enslaved people to increase their profits.
B. The demand to colonize newly conquered lands in Portugal and Britain prompted landowners to purchase enslaved people.
C. The demand for rice rose during the seventeenth century, which increased the demand of enslaved people.
D. African slave traders exported enslaved people to the Caribbean in exchange for more fertile plantation land.

3. Imagine you investigated the African slave trade. Which of the following would provide the best definition of African slave trade?

A. the sale and exportation of enslaved people from Africa to harvest cash crops for profit
B. the trade of enslaved people to Africa for use in intensive labor projects
C. the sale and transportation of enslaved people from the Caribbeans to Brazil to harvest sugar
D. the route enslaved people took to gain better work and living conditions

4. Which statement summarizes how Portuguese traders amplified the slave trade?

A. Portuguese traders created entrepôts from which large numbers could be shipped overseas to meet the growing demand for forced labor on colonial plantations.
B. Portuguese traders introduced slavery to Africa.
C. Portuguese traders engaged in mass kidnapping of the locals to sell into slavery.
D. Portuguese traders bought many enslaved people for export to Europe.

5. Investigate the influence of the forced migration of captive Africans to the New World with regard to culture and commerce. How did forced migration directly lend to creating a new culture?

A. Europeans expected enslaved Africans to use proper English and Christianity to earn respect, contributing to the creation of a new culture.
B. A new culture emerged that completely abandoned traditional African culture.
C. The creation of new culture was limited, as enslaved Africans did not want to adopt Christianity and aspects of European culture.
D. The forced migration of enslaved Africans led to the creation of an African diaspora.

1. A. The transatlantic trade network originated with the increased demand for enslaved labor in the Americas.

2. A. The growing demand for sugar encouraged plantation owners to purchase enslaved people to increase their profits.

3. A. the sale and exportation of enslaved people from Africa to harvest cash crops for profit

4. A. Portuguese traders created entrepôts from which large numbers could be shipped overseas to meet the growing demand for forced labor on colonial plantations.

5. D. The forced migration of enslaved Africans led to the creation of an African diaspora.

1. B. The transatlantic trade network originated with the growth of mercantilism and the need to transport goods across the Atlantic Ocean.

2. A. The growing demand for sugar encouraged plantation owners to purchase enslaved people to increase their profits.

3. A. the sale and exportation of enslaved people from Africa to harvest cash crops for profit.

4. A. Portuguese traders created entrepôts from which large numbers could be shipped overseas to meet the growing demand for forced labor on colonial plantations.

5. D. The forced migration of enslaved Africans led to the creation of an African diaspora.