Determine if 2.510=?1248 or 2.52=?1224 is a proportion.(1 point)


Start Fraction 2.5 over 2 End Fraction equals Start Fraction 12 over 24 End Fraction

Start Fraction 2.5 over 10 End Fraction equals Start Fraction 12 over 48 End Fraction

Neither is a proportion.
Neither is a proportion.

Both are proportions.

Neither is a proportion.

To determine if 2.510=?1248 or 2.52=?1224 is a proportion, we need to check if the two ratios are equivalent.

For 2.510=?1248:
Start Fraction 2.5 over 10 End Fraction equals Start Fraction 12 over 48 End Fraction

For 2.52=?1224:
Start Fraction 2.5 over 2 End Fraction equals Start Fraction 12 over 24 End Fraction

Neither of these ratios are equivalent, which means neither of these equations is a proportion.

So, the correct answer is: Neither is a proportion.