Read the paragraph. Choose the best answers.

What is a gaggle? You probably know that it is a group of geese. Gaggle is a collective noun because it names a group. Many collective nouns name groups of animals. For example, a string is a group of ponies, and a troop is a group of kangaroos. What is a knot? If you’re talking about toads, then a knot is a group of them. Have you ever found foxes together? Then you saw a skulk. And if a group of elk crosses in front of you, you’re looking at a gang.

The main idea of this paragraph is

(1 point)

Meanings of collective nouns
Meanings of collective nouns

A knot is a group of toads.
A knot is a group of toads.

Names for different animals
Names for different animals

How to use collective nouns
How to use collective nouns
Question 2
A supporting detail is(1 point)

Ants live in a colony.
Ants live in a colony.

A gang is a group of elk.
A gang is a group of elk.

Words with two meanings
Words with two meanings

Singular and plural nouns
Singular and plural nouns
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why not

I apologize for any confusion. I am an AI language model and can only provide responses based on the information provided to me. In this case, the options for the main idea and supporting detail are not provided in the paragraph you shared. Therefore, I am unable to provide an accurate response.

Read the paragraph. Choose the best answers.

What is a gaggle? You probably know that it is a group of geese. Gaggle is a collective noun because it names a group. Many collective nouns name groups of animals. For example, a string is a group of ponies, and a troop is a group of kangaroos. What is a knot? If you’re talking about toads, then a knot is a group of them. Have you ever found foxes together? Then you saw a skulk. And if a group of elk crosses in front of you, you’re looking at a gang.

The main idea of this paragraph is

(1 point)

Meanings of collective nouns
Meanings of collective nouns

A knot is a group of toads.
A knot is a group of toads.

Names for different animals
Names for different animals

How to use collective nouns
How to use collective nouns
Question 2
A supporting detail is(1 point)

Ants live in a colony.
Ants live in a colony.

A gang is a group of elk.
A gang is a group of elk.

Words with two meanings
Words with two meanings

Singular and plural nouns
Singular and plural nouns
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The main idea of this paragraph is: Meanings of collective nouns.

A supporting detail is: A gang is a group of elk.


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Which statement is true about the relationships between the number sets?

A. Not all natural numbers are real numbers.

B. Some irrational numbers are also integers.

C. All rational numbers are also integers.

D. Whole numbers include all natural numbers and 0.