The PTA agree to fund a fall field trip. The seventh-grade class vote on the destination. Some votes for the zoo; others vote for the museum. After the vote, the student council announces that the zoo is the winner.

The PTA has agreed to fund a fall field trip for the seventh-grade class. To decide on the destination, the students held a vote, with options being the zoo and the museum. Some students voted for the zoo, while others preferred the museum. After considering all the votes, the student council announces that the zoo has received the majority of votes and is thus chosen as the winner for the fall field trip.

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The PTA agrees to fund a fall field trip. The seventh-grade class vote on the destination. Some votes for the zoo; others vote for the museum. After the vote, the student council announces that the zoo is the winner.

Step 1: The PTA agree to fund a fall field trip.

Step 2: The seventh-grade class votes on the destination.
Step 3: Some students vote for the zoo, while others vote for the museum.
Step 4: After the votes are counted, the student council announces that the zoo is the winner.

To determine how the seventh-grade class voted on the destination for the fall field trip, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the total number of students in the seventh-grade class. Let's assume there are 100 students.

2. Find out the number of votes cast for each destination, the zoo, and the museum. Let's say 60 students voted for the zoo, and 40 students voted for the museum.

3. Compare the vote counts to see which destination got the majority of votes. In this case, the zoo received 60 votes, while the museum received 40 votes.

4. Calculate the percentage of votes for each destination by dividing the vote count by the total number of students and multiplying by 100. The zoo received 60% of the votes (60 votes ÷ 100 students × 100), and the museum received 40% of the votes (40 votes ÷ 100 students × 100).

5. Finally, conclude that the zoo was the winner of the vote since it received the majority of votes (60% versus 40%).

Therefore, based on the student council's announcement, the seventh-grade class voted for the zoo as the destination for the fall field trip.