How do u write 5 is to1 as 20 is to the as a proportion in fractional notation

To write "5 is to 1 as 20 is to the" as a proportion in fractional notation, we can set it up as:

5/1 = 20/x

Here, 5 and 1 represent the first ratio, while 20 and x represent the second ratio. By cross-multiplying, we can solve for x:

5x = 1 * 20
5x = 20
x = 20/5
x = 4

Therefore, the fractional notation for "5 is to 1 as 20 is to the" would be 5/1 = 20/4.

To write the ratio "5 is to 1" as a proportion in fractional notation, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Write the ratio as a fraction by putting the first term as the numerator and the second term as the denominator:

Step 2: Find the equivalent ratio for the second part of the proportion. In this case, the second part is "20 is to the."

Step 3: Use the same approach as Step 1 to convert the second part into a fraction. Since the second part compares "20 is to the," you can form the fraction 20/x (where 'x' represents the unknown value in the comparison).

Step 4: Put the two fractions together using the proportion symbol (":") to form the proportion:
5/1 = 20/x

The proportion in fractional notation for "5 is to 1 as 20 is to the" is 5/1 = 20/x.