Hi do u write 4 is to16 as 12 is to 47 as proportion in fractional notation

Yes, I can write the proportion 4:16 as 12:47 in fractional notation.

4:16 can be written as 4/16.

To find the corresponding fractional notation for 12:47, you would divide both numbers by their greatest common factor (GCF) to simplify the fraction. In this case, the GCF of 12 and 47 is 1.

So, 12:47 can be written as 12/47 in fractional notation.

Therefore, the proportion 4:16 as 12:47 in fractional notation would be 4/16 = 12/47.

To determine if 4 is to 16 as 12 is to 47 is a proportion in fractional notation, we can compare the two ratios.

The ratio 4:16 simplifies to 1:4 when divided by the greatest common divisor, which is 4.

The ratio 12:47 doesn't simplify further.

Thus, the two ratios can be written as:

1/4 : 12/47

Therefore, 4 is to 16 as 12 is to 47 is a proportion in fractional notation.