The ratio of John’s collection of baseball cards to Billy’s collection is 8 to 5 if John has 100 cards how many does Billye have round your answer to the nearest whole number?

If the ratio of John's collection to Billy's collection is 8 to 5, we can set up a proportion: 8/5 = 100/x.

Cross-multiplying, we get 8x = 500.

Dividing both sides by 8, we find that x = 62.5.

Round to the nearest whole number, we find that Billy has approximately 63 cards.

To find out how many baseball cards Billy has, we need to calculate the ratio of John's collection to Billy's collection.

The ratio given is 8 to 5.

Since John has 100 cards, we can set up a proportion using the ratio:
8/5 = 100/x

To solve for x (the number of cards Billy has), we can cross-multiply:
8x = 5 * 100

8x = 500

Dividing both sides of the equation by 8 will give us:
x = 500 / 8

Simplifying further, we get:
x = 62.5

Since the number of cards cannot be in decimals, we need to round this to the nearest whole number.

Rounding 62.5 to the nearest whole number, Billy has approximately 63 baseball cards.