A department store was selling and originally priced $90 pair of shoes were only $75. What percentage of a discount was placed on the shoes

To calculate the percentage discount, subtract the final price from the original price and divide the result by the original price. Then, multiply the quotient by 100.

Original Price = $90
Final Price = $75

Discount = Original Price – Final Price = $90 - $75 = $15

Percentage Discount = (Discount / Original Price) x 100
= ($15 / $90) x 100
= 16.67

Therefore, a discount of approximately 16.67% was placed on the shoes.

To find the percentage of discount on the shoes, we can use the formula:

Discount percentage = ((Original price - Sale price) / Original price) * 100

In this case, the original price of the shoes is $90 and the sale price is $75.

Discount percentage = (($90 - $75) / $90) * 100
= ($15 / $90) * 100
= 0.1667 * 100
= 16.67%

Therefore, a 16.67% discount was placed on the shoes.