Howard quiz average has dropped drastically since his first semester during his first semester Howard average 95% on his quizzes after his second semester Howard average had dropped to 71%. What is the percent decrease in Howard quiz average round answer to the nearest hundredth.

To find the percent decrease in Howard's quiz average, we can use the formula:

Percent decrease = ((original value - final value) / original value) * 100

In this case, Howard's original value is 95% and his final value is 71%. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Percent decrease = ((95 - 71) / 95) * 100

Percent decrease = (24 / 95) * 100

Percent decrease ≈ 25.26

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the percent decrease in Howard's quiz average is 25.26%.

To calculate the percent decrease in Howard's quiz average, we need to find the difference between his first and second semester averages, and then express it as a percentage of the first semester average.

The decrease in Howard's quiz average is calculated as:

95% - 71% = 24%

To find the percent decrease, we divide the decrease by the original average:

(24% / 95%) x 100 = 25.26%

Therefore, the percent decrease in Howard's quiz average is approximately 25.26% when rounded to the nearest hundredth.