One football player advances 5/8 of a yard on a plate. Another football player pants is 6/7 of a yard on the following clay. How many more yards did the second player advance in the first player

To find the difference in yards advanced between the two players, you need to subtract the distance advanced by the first player from the distance advanced by the second player.

The first player advanced 5/8 of a yard.

The second player advanced 6/7 of a yard.

To subtract these amounts, you find a common denominator, which in this case is 56 (the least common multiple of 8 and 7).

For the first player, the equivalent fraction with denominator 56 is: (5/8) * (7/7) = 35/56.

For the second player, the equivalent fraction with denominator 56 is: (6/7) * (8/8) = 48/56.

To find the difference, you subtract the first player's fraction from the second player's fraction: 48/56 - 35/56 = 13/56.

Therefore, the second player advanced 13/56 yards more than the first player.

To find out how many more yards the second player advanced compared to the first player, we need to subtract the distance advanced by the first player from the distance advanced by the second player.

The first player advanced 5/8 of a yard.
The second player advanced 6/7 of a yard.

To subtract fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the least common multiple of 8 and 7 is 56.

Converting the fractions to have a denominator of 56:

First player: (5/8) * (7/7) = 35/56.
Second player: (6/7) * (8/8) = 48/56.

Now we can subtract:

Difference = 48/56 - 35/56

To subtract fractions, we subtract the numerators while keeping the denominator the same:

Difference = (48 - 35)/56 = 13/56 yards.

Therefore, the second player advanced 13/56 yards more than the first player.