The proportional relationship 15.24 centimeters in 6 inches is represented by 6y=15.24x. Determine the number of centimeters in 1 inch.(1 point)


91.44 centimeters
91.44 centimeters

3 centimeters
3 centimeters

2.54 centimeters
2.54 centimeters

0.39 centimeters

2.54 centimeters

Four students complete the table below, ranking states of matter by potential energy. Which student is correct?

(1 point)






check yo answer bruh

I apologize for the mistake. Without the table provided, I am unable to determine which student is correct. Please provide the table or additional information so I can assist you accurately.

To determine the number of centimeters in 1 inch, we can solve the given equation 6y = 15.24x for y when x = 1.

Substituting x = 1 into the equation, we have:

6y = 15.24 * 1

Simplifying the equation:

6y = 15.24

Next, we can solve for y by dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

y = 15.24 / 6

Simplifying the right side:

y ≈ 2.54

Therefore, the number of centimeters in 1 inch is approximately 2.54 centimeters.

To determine the number of centimeters in 1 inch, we need to solve the given equation: 6y = 15.24x.

First, let's rearrange the equation to solve for y:
y = (15.24/6)x

Now, we can substitute x = 1 into the equation to find y:
y = (15.24/6)(1)
y = 15.24/6
y = 2.54

Therefore, the number of centimeters in 1 inch is 2.54 centimeters.