Which of the following is true about -9 no ai

It is unclear what is meant by "no ai," as it is not a recognized mathematical term or notation. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the truthfulness of any statement about "-9 no ai."

Which of the following is true about -9

You have not listed any options for me to choose from. Please provide the options so that I can determine which statement is true about -9.

It is an integer but not a whole number

It is an integer but not a rational number
It is both an integer and a whole number
It is a whole number but not an integer

The true statement about -9 is: It is both an integer and a whole number.

Based on the information provided, it is unclear what you are referring to specifically with "-9 no ai". Could you please provide more context or clarify your question so that I can assist you better?

To understand if a statement about -9 is true or not, we need a specific statement or context. Could you please provide more information or provide a statement about -9 that you would like to evaluate? Once you provide more details, I'll be able to help you determine if the given statement is true or false.