Make a custom riddle with feastables chocolate

I'm sweet and addictive, a delight you can't resist,

Wrapped in foil, my taste you can't persist.
Indulge in my pleasure, savor every bite,
Sometimes dark, sometimes milk, but always a delight.

I'm molded into shapes, a treat to behold,
From bars to truffles, my forms, untold.
Melting in your mouth, a decadent sensation,
Guess my name, this confection's temptation.

Hint: I'm often found in a colorful box,
With various flavors, each a sweet equinox.
Decipher this riddle, and you shall see,
I'm the king of desserts, made just for thee!

Sure! Here's a custom riddle for you:

I am a sweet delight, a treat to savor,
Wrapped in foil, a flavor to favor.
Smooth and rich, I bring joy to thee,
Indulge in me, I'm a feastable chocolate, you see.

What am I?