Which of the following best explains how the Mayans adapted their environment?

(1 point)

The Mayans developed a nomadic lifestyle to hunt for food.
The Mayans developed a nomadic lifestyle to hunt for food.

The Mayans fertilized their fields so they could be used every year.
The Mayans fertilized their fields so they could be used every year.

They traded with others due to their lack of good land for farming.
They traded with others due to their lack of good land for farming.

They specialized in fishing due to the abundance of rivers.

They fertilized their fields so they could be used every year.

What did the Maya adopt from the Olmec?

(1 point)


slash-and-burn agriculture
slash-and-burn agriculture


writing system

writing system

What function do the alveoli perform?(1 point)


exchange oxygen in the blood for carbon dioxide in the air
exchange oxygen in the blood for carbon dioxide in the air
carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
exchange oxygen in the air for carbon dioxide in the blood
exchange oxygen in the air for carbon dioxide in the blood
hold receptors for the sense of smell

exchange oxygen in the air for carbon dioxide in the blood

The Mayans fertilized their fields so they could be used every year.

The correct answer is: The Mayans fertilized their fields so they could be used every year.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option and see which explains how the Mayans adapted their environment.

Option 1: "The Mayans developed a nomadic lifestyle to hunt for food."

This option does not describe how the Mayans adapted their environment. It mentions their lifestyle of hunting for food, but it does not explain any specific adaptations they made to their environment.

Option 2: "The Mayans developed a nomadic lifestyle to hunt for food."

Oops! This option is the same as the first option listed, and I apologize for the duplication. Please disregard this repetition.

Option 3: "They traded with others due to their lack of good land for farming."

While trading with others can be a useful strategy for obtaining resources, it does not specifically explain how the Mayans adapted their environment. It focuses more on their response to their environment rather than the adaptations they made within it.

Option 4: "They specialized in fishing due to the abundance of rivers."

While specializing in fishing can be considered an adaptation to the environment, it does not fully explain how the Mayans adapted their environment. It mentions their reliance on rivers for fishing, but it does not mention any other adaptations they made to their environment.

Option 5: "The Mayans fertilized their fields so they could be used every year."

This option accurately explains how the Mayans adapted their environment. By fertilizing their fields, they were able to maintain the fertility of their land, allowing them to use it for farming every year. This adaptation enabled them to sustain their agricultural practices and support their civilization.

Therefore, the best explanation for how the Mayans adapted their environment is that they fertilized their fields so they could be used every year.