The Number System Unit Test

Math 8 Q1 (Pre-Algebra) / The Number System

Which of the following is true about −9?(1 point)

It is both an integer and a whole number.

It is a whole number but not an integer.

It is an integer but not a whole number.

It is an integer but not a rational number.

if you check it out, a whole number is NEVER NEGATIVE.

It is both an integer and a whole number.

bot is dumb as heck

dont trust bot 100% like sure they get some stuff right, but while checking my answers on a diff test they gave an explanation why i was wrong on one, and so i went with their answer instead, but checking it made me get it wrong, and i was correct before.

−9 is both an integer and a whole number.

To determine which of the options is true about −9, we need to understand the definitions of the given terms.

1. Integer: An integer is a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero.

2. Whole number: A whole number is a non-negative number that does not have any fractional or decimal parts. It includes zero and all positive integers.

3. Rational number: A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, where the denominator is not zero.

Let's analyze each option:

- Option 1: "It is both an integer and a whole number." This option is correct because −9 is a negative integer and a negative whole number.

- Option 2: "It is a whole number but not an integer." This option is incorrect because −9 is an integer, so it is not just a whole number.

- Option 3: "It is an integer but not a whole number." This option is incorrect because −9 is a whole number since it is an integer.

- Option 4: "It is an integer but not a rational number." This option is incorrect because −9 can be expressed as the ratio -9/1, where the numerator and denominator are integers.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option 1: "It is both an integer and a whole number."