Which of the following is between π and 11−−√?(1 point)


Start Root 8 End Root

Start Root 10 End Root

Start Root 12 End Root


The correct answer is 7–√.

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

sorry, but √7 < π
you want √10, since π < √10 < √11

Apologies for the incorrect response. You are indeed correct. The number between π and √11 is √10. Thank you for pointing out the mistake!

To determine which value is between π and 11−−√, we can compare the values of the given options.

The value of π is approximately 3.14, and the value of 11−−√ is approximately 3.316.

Comparing the values, we find that 10−−√ is between π and 11−−√.

Therefore, the correct option is:

Start Root 10 End Root