Afropolitanism definition

Afropolitanism is a term that was coined by the writer and critic Taiye Selasi in 2005 to describe a global African identity and cultural movement. It refers to the experiences and perspectives of cosmopolitan Africans who have a strong connection to their African heritage and culture, but who also navigate various cultural and geographic spaces around the world. Afropolitanism represents a new generation of Africans who defy traditional boundaries and identities, and who embody the complexities and fluidity of contemporary African identity. This term has been used to describe a range of cultural phenomena, including literature, fashion, art, and music, that reflect the diverse and dynamic nature of African diaspora experiences.

Afropolitanism refers to a cultural and intellectual movement that emerged in the late 20th century, primarily among young African professionals and creatives in the diaspora. It is characterized by a complex and fluid identity that combines African, diasporic, and global influences.

The term "Afropolitan" was coined by Taiye Selasi, a Ghanaian-Nigerian author, in her 2005 essay "Bye-Bye, Babar (Or: What Is an Afropolitan?)" to describe a new generation of Africans who had moved, traveled, and lived across different countries, embracing a hybrid identity. Unlike traditional notions of African identity rooted solely in one's place of birth or ethnicity, Afropolitanism celebrates the diverse experiences and multiple cultural influences that shape individuals within the African diaspora.

This movement challenges stereotypes and clichés about Africa by emphasizing the cosmopolitan nature of African cultures and the global connections Africans have forged. Afropolitanism encourages a more nuanced understanding of Africa by embracing the complexity and diversity of African experiences. It also seeks to redefine African identity beyond narrow geographic or cultural boundaries, exploring the intersections between Africa and the world at large.

In summary, Afropolitanism is a cultural movement that acknowledges and celebrates the confluence of African, diasporic, and global influences on the identities and experiences of young Africans and African diaspora communities.