I need a source that supports this claim "graduates are often compelled to accept positions

based solely on their salary"

One possible source that supports the claim "graduates are often compelled to accept positions based solely on their salary" is an article published in Forbes titled "The Role of Salary in Job Offers for College Graduates" by Liz Ryan (2017). The article discusses how salary considerations often weigh heavily on the minds of college graduates when they receive job offers, leading them to prioritize financial security over other aspects such as work-life balance or job satisfaction. The author provides insights and examples from various surveys and studies conducted on this topic, emphasizing the strong influence of salary on graduates' decision-making process.

To find a source that supports the claim that "graduates are often compelled to accept positions based solely on their salary," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to your preferred search engine (e.g., Google)

Step 2: Enter relevant keywords related to the claim, such as "graduates forced to accept jobs based solely on salary," or "job decisions based on salary for new graduates."

Step 3: Look through the search results and find trustworthy sources such as research articles, surveys, or reports. Pay attention to the credibility of the source, ensuring it comes from a reputable organization or institution.

Step 4: Click on the selected source to access the full content. Look for sections related to job decisions, graduate employment, or factors influencing job choices.

Step 5: Skim through the article or report for information specifically related to the claim you are seeking to support. Look for statistics, quotes, or data that confirm the idea that graduates often choose jobs based solely on salary.

Step 6: If you find the necessary information supporting the claim, cite the source using the appropriate format (e.g., APA, MLA) for your research or assignment.

Remember to critically evaluate the source to ensure its reliability and consider using multiple sources to strengthen the validity of the claim.