A group of friends wants to go to the amusement park. They have no more than $325 to spend on parking and admission. Parking is $13, and tickets cost $39 per person, including tax. Write and solve an inequality which can be used to determine

p, the number of people who can go to the amusement park.

Let p be the number of people who can go to the amusement park.

The cost of parking for the group is given by $13 multiplied by the number of people: 13p.
The cost of tickets for the group is given by $39 multiplied by the number of people: 39p.

The total cost for parking and tickets must be no more than $325, so we can write the following inequality:

13p + 39p ≤ 325

Combining like terms, we get:

52p ≤ 325

Dividing both sides by 52, we find:

p ≤ 6.25

Since we cannot have a fractional number of people, we conclude that 6 people (p = 6) can go to the amusement park.

what is the answer and simlified

Apologies for the confusion. I made a mistake in my previous response.

To solve the inequality, we have:

52p ≤ 325

Dividing both sides by 52, we get:

p ≤ 6.25

However, since the number of people must be a whole number, we need to round down to the nearest whole number. Thus, the simplified inequality is:

p ≤ 6

This means that no more than 6 people can go to the amusement park with the given budget of $325.

what is the inequality in simplified

Apologies for the unnecessary complexity in my previous response.

The simplified inequality is:

39p + 13 ≤ 325

This inequality represents the condition that the total cost of parking and tickets for a group of p people must not exceed $325.

To determine the number of people who can go to the amusement park, we can use the following inequality:

39p + 13 ≤ 325

Explanation of terms used:
- p represents the number of people who can go to the amusement park.
- 39 is the cost per person for the tickets.
- 13 is the cost of parking.
- 325 is the maximum amount the group of friends can spend on parking and admission.

By solving this inequality, we can find the maximum value of p, which represents the number of people who can go to the amusement park.

To determine the number of people who can go to the amusement park, we need to set up an inequality based on the given information.

Let's assume "p" represents the number of people who can go to the amusement park.

The cost of parking for each person is $13, so the total cost of parking will be 13p.

The cost of tickets for each person, including tax, is $39. So the total cost of tickets for p people will be 39p.

Therefore, the total cost for p people can be represented as: 13p + 39p.

We know that the total cost should be no more than $325, so we can set up the inequality:

13p + 39p ≤ 325

Combining like terms:

52p ≤ 325

Now, to solve for p, we divide both sides of the inequality by 52:

p ≤ 325/52

p ≤ 6.25

Since we are dealing with a group of friends, the number of people cannot be a decimal. So we can round down the result, which means:

p ≤ 6

Therefore, the group of friends can consist of no more than 6 people who can go to the amusement park, considering the given budget of $325.