Which of the following is an irrational number: −1529, 0.343434..., 2√3, or 87.9821

The irrational number among the options given is 2√3.

An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction of two integers and is not a terminating or repeating decimal.

Out of the options given, the irrational number is 2√3.

To determine this, we need to analyze the other options:

- The number -1529 is a rational number since it can be expressed as -1529/1, a fraction of two integers.
- The number 0.343434... is rational since it is a repeating decimal, which means it can be expressed as a fraction.
- The number 87.9821 is also a rational number since it is a decimal that terminates after a finite number of digits, which means it can be expressed as a fraction.

Therefore, the only irrational number among the options is 2√3.