Elf-Assessment Topic 3: Assessing Your Attitudes toward Corporate Responsibility

his self-assessment assesses your attitudes toward corporate responsibility. It partially overlaps with the Career Readiness "other
haracteristic" of professionalism/work ethic.
1. Where do you stand on corporate social responsibility?
2. What life events have influenced your attitudes toward corporate social responsibility? Discuss.
3. Based on the three lowest-rated items in the survey, how might you foster a more positive attitude toward social responsibility?
4. What can you say during an interview to demonstrate a positive attitude toward corporate responsibility?
8 Search entries or authori
sment Topic 3

1. Where do you stand on corporate social responsibility?

Step 1: Where do you stand on corporate social responsibility?

To answer this question, you need to reflect on your personal beliefs and values regarding the social and environmental impact of businesses. Consider whether you believe that corporations have a responsibility to go beyond solely pursuing profits and should also prioritize the well-being of society and the environment.

Step 2: What life events have influenced your attitudes toward corporate social responsibility? Discuss.

Think about any significant experiences or events in your life that have shaped your views on corporate social responsibility. These could include personal experiences, interactions with businesses, or exposure to social or environmental issues. Reflect on how these experiences have influenced your beliefs and values in this area.

Step 3: Based on the three lowest-rated items in the survey, how might you foster a more positive attitude toward social responsibility? Explain.

Review the results of your self-assessment survey and identify the three lowest-rated items related to social responsibility. These could be statements or questions that you disagreed with or did not strongly agree with. To foster a more positive attitude toward social responsibility, consider the following actions:

a) Educate yourself: Read books, articles, and reports that provide insights into corporate social responsibility. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the importance and impact of social responsibility in various business contexts.

b) Engage with stakeholders: Seek out opportunities to interact with individuals and organizations involved in social responsibility initiatives. This could involve volunteering, attending industry events, or joining relevant online communities. Engaging with stakeholders can provide real-world examples and inspire your own commitment to social responsibility.

c) Take action: Identify small steps you can take within your personal and professional life to make a positive social impact. This could include making environmentally friendly choices, supporting responsible businesses, or advocating for social justice. Taking action can help reinforce your beliefs and contribute to a more positive attitude toward social responsibility.

Step 4: What can you say during an interview to demonstrate a positive attitude toward corporate responsibility?

During an interview, you can demonstrate a positive attitude toward corporate responsibility by sharing your beliefs and experiences in this area. Here are a few suggestions:

a) Highlight your values: Explain why you believe that businesses should have a social and environmental responsibility beyond profitability. Emphasize the importance of sustainability, ethics, and community impact in your professional endeavors.

b) Discuss relevant experiences: Share any personal or professional experiences that have shaped your understanding of corporate responsibility. Discuss any volunteer work, internships, or projects where you have actively contributed to social or environmental causes.

c) Reference research and industry trends: Demonstrate your knowledge about current trends and research related to corporate social responsibility. This can show that you are knowledgeable about the topic and committed to staying informed about the latest developments.

By following these steps, you can assess your attitudes toward corporate responsibility, reflect on their influences, foster a more positive attitude, and demonstrate your positive attitude during an interview.