In the summer, fresh vegetables from their garden are the

highlight of the season for many people.

1. Harvested: Start by harvesting the fresh vegetables from the garden. This can include various vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, lettuce, and more.

2. Washed: After harvesting the vegetables, it's important to wash them thoroughly. Fill a sink or large bowl with water and gently rinse the vegetables to remove any dirt or debris.

3. Trimmed: Once the vegetables are washed, trim off any excess leaves, stems, or damaged parts of the vegetables. This can be done using a sharp knife or kitchen shears.

4. Sorted: Sort the vegetables into different categories based on their type and size. This can make it easier when it comes to preparing or cooking them later on.

5. Stored: If you have an excess amount of vegetables, you can store them for later use. Some vegetables, like tomatoes, can be stored at room temperature. Others, like leafy greens, should be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or container.

6. Prepared: When you're ready to use the vegetables, prepare them according to the desired recipe. This can include chopping, slicing, dicing, or leaving them whole, depending on the dish you're making.

7. Cooked: Finally, cook the vegetables using your preferred method. This can include sautéing, grilling, roasting, steaming, or boiling, depending on the vegetable and recipe.

8. Enjoyed: Once the vegetables are cooked, they are ready to be enjoyed! Whether in a salad, stir-fry, pasta dish, or as a side, fresh garden vegetables can add vibrant flavors and nutrients to any meal.