Draw 4 sixteenth notes here (connected by beams)

Sure! Here is an illustration of four sixteenth notes connected by beams:


Sure! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to draw four sixteenth notes connected by beams:

Step 1: Start by drawing a short horizontal line. This will be the stem of the first sixteenth note.

Step 2: From the bottom of the stem, draw a small curve facing to the right. This will be the flag or beam of the first sixteenth note.

Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 three more times, drawing three more sets of stems and flags, all connected to the previous one.

Step 4: Connect all the stems with horizontal lines, forming beams. Start from the top and draw a horizontal line connecting the top of the first stem to the top of the second stem. Continue this pattern until all the stems are connected by beams.

Step 5: Add two vertical lines at the end of the stems to complete the sixteenth note heads.

Congratulations! You have successfully drawn four sixteenth notes connected by beams.