he main topic or topics are previewed in the Response area of an essay, and most details and supporting arguments are presented in the Response areaof the essay.

It appears that the statement is incorrect. In an essay, the main topic or topics are usually introduced in the introduction section of the essay, not in the response area. The response area of an essay is typically where the writer provides their analysis, interpretation, or opinion about the main topic. The details and supporting arguments are commonly presented in the body paragraphs of the essay, which follow the introduction.

That statement appears to be incorrect. In an essay, the main topic or topics are typically previewed in the introduction, not the response area. The introduction usually includes a thesis statement that outlines the main ideas or arguments that will be discussed in the essay. The response area of an essay is where the author presents and develops those ideas or arguments with supporting details and evidence. It is in the body paragraphs of the essay where the majority of details and supporting arguments are presented.