How can specialty maps best be used to visually present information about the past? (1 point)

O They can show the current physical characteristics of the land in a place.

O They can show percentages of land use from the past.

O They can show changes in data over time in a place.

O They can be used to show where historical events took place and the location of regions that no longer exist.

O They can be used to show where historical events took place and the location of regions that no longer exist.

Discovering a trend in a population change over time might help a geographer (1 point)

draw a conclusion about why the population changed.

O calculate the amount of people the population changed by

visualize the change in the population.

create a table with the raw data of the population

draw a conclusion about why the population changed.

A cartographer is a person who makes maps. How might a skilled cartographer be successful in updating existing maps? (1 point)

They could use their human geography skills to reflect changes that have occurred in population.

They could use their spatial skills to visualize and reflect the changes that have occurred to our physical world.

They could use their knowledge of magnetic north to reflect changes that have occurred to our physical world

They could use their understanding of meteorological shifts to update maps

They could use their spatial skills to visualize and reflect the changes that have occurred to our physical world.

What is the goal of using a population density map?

The goal of using a population density map is to visually represent the distribution and concentration of people within a specific geographic area. It helps to understand and analyze patterns of population distribution, identify areas of high or low population density, and make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, urban planning, and infrastructure development.

What is a goal of using a population density map? (1 point)

O to provide specific numbers of people who live in a place

Oto describe how people move from one place to another

Oto show the spatial distribution of people visually

to summarize how many people have lived in a place over time

O to show the spatial distribution of people visually

The population of Palm Beach County is 1,320,135, while the population of Liberty County is 8,365. Which idea is supported by the data? (1 point)

O Palm Beach County has a lower population density than Liberty County.

O Palm Beach County is located near Liberty County.

Palm Beach County has a larger area of land than Liberty County.

O Palm Beach County is a more desirable location to many people than Liberty County.