Which of the following provides the BEST explanation for slowing population growth in China?(1 point)


China’s one-child policy has led to an aging population and an imbalanced sex ratio.
China’s one-child policy has led to an aging population and an imbalanced sex ratio.

China’s economic decline has led to a lack of sufficient resources to sustain a growing population.
China’s economic decline has led to a lack of sufficient resources to sustain a growing population.

China’s high rate of emigration has led to high levels of population decline as people leave the country.
China’s high rate of emigration has led to high levels of population decline as people leave the country.

China has not experienced slow population growth in recent years as its economy has expanded.

China’s one-child policy has led to an aging population and an imbalanced sex ratio.

The BEST explanation for slowing population growth in China is China's one-child policy. This policy has led to an aging population and an imbalanced sex ratio.