Edward has just taken up the position of office manager at a paper distribution center. On a regular basis, Edward has to receive various supplies that a well-known office supplies store delivers. Every time the delivery driver drops off the supplies he is wearing a jacket that has a racial slur on the back and behaves in a manner that brings Edward's attention to the writing on his clothing. Every week that there is a delivery Edward has to send one of his assistants to receive the supplies as the driver makes him feel uncomfortable and negatively impacts his work.

what should patrick do to fix the problem

To fix the problem, Patrick can take the following steps:

1. Document incidents: Edward should start documenting each incident, noting the date, time, and details of the inappropriate behavior by the delivery driver. This documentation will help provide evidence in case further action needs to be taken.

2. Speak to the delivery driver: Edward should approach the delivery driver privately, explaining how the racial slur on their jacket is offensive and inappropriate for the workplace. He should ask the driver to refrain from wearing such clothing during deliveries.

3. Contact the office supplies store: If speaking with the delivery driver does not resolve the issue, Edward should contact the office supplies store to inform them about the situation. He should explain the impact it has on his work and request that they provide a different delivery driver.

4. Discuss the issue with HR: Edward should inform his company's Human Resources department about the ongoing problem. HR can provide guidance and support in addressing the issue, ensuring a respectful and inclusive work environment.

5. Consider legal options: If the office supplies store or delivery driver fail to address the issue appropriately, Edward may need to consult with an employment attorney to explore potential legal options, such as filing a complaint for workplace harassment or discrimination.

Overall, Edward should prioritize his own well-being and take action to address the uncomfortable and negative impact on his work environment.

To fix the problem, Edward should follow these steps:

1. Document incidents: Edward should start documenting each encounter with the delivery driver, noting the date, time, and specific behavior that made him feel uncomfortable. This will provide a record of the incidents and help establish a pattern.

2. Speak with Human Resources: Edward should schedule a meeting with the Human Resources department in his company. He should bring his documented incidents and explain the situation, expressing how the behavior of the delivery driver is negatively impacting his work and creating a hostile environment.

3. Request a meeting with the office supplies store: If possible, Edward should contact the office supplies store and ask for a meeting with a representative from the company. During this meeting, he should explain the situation, provide evidence of the delivery driver's inappropriate behavior, and express that it is not acceptable for their employees to wear clothing containing racial slurs.

4. Request a different delivery driver: Edward should ask his company's Human Resources department or management to request a different delivery driver for their weekly supply deliveries. This avoids the uncomfortable encounters and ensures a safer work environment.

5. Educate employees on appropriate behavior: Edward should organize a training session or workshop on diversity and inclusion for all employees, including the delivery driver. This can help promote a better understanding of the impact of their behavior and create a more respectful work environment.

6. Seek legal advice: If the issue continues despite efforts to address it, Edward may need to seek legal advice from an attorney specializing in employment law. They can provide guidance on potential legal actions based on the specific circumstances and jurisdiction.

Remember, Edward should always prioritize his safety and well-being. It is important to follow company policies and procedures and consult with the appropriate personnel within the organization.