Which of the following details is MOST important to the development of the MAIN idea?

For most people, Labor Day just marks the last weekend of summer and the start of a new school year.

In the 1800s, unions covered only a small fraction of workers and were not that powerful.

Labor Day came about because workers felt they were spending too many hours and days on the job.

Surprisingly, many politicians and business owners were actually in favor of giving workers more time off.


Labor Day came about because workers felt they were spending too many hours and days on the job.

What is the relationship between the following selections from the article?

By 1890, the average manufacturing worker toiled in a factory 60 hours a week. These long working hours caused many union organizers to focus on getting a shorter, eight-hour workday.

So, it became important for businesses to find consumers interested in buying the products and services that were being produced in larger amounts. Shortening the workweek was one way for the working class to spend its money.

The first introduces why Labor Day protests began, while the second shows the challenge of improving working conditions for business owners.

The first lists a proposed improvement to working conditions, while the second explains why business owners agreed with this change.

Both selections describe the poor working conditions found in many businesses.

Both selections recount the challenges union protesters faced while attempting to establish Labor Day.


Both selections recount the challenges union protesters faced while attempting to establish Labor Day.

A reader of the article suggested that the author included the section "Controversy: Militants and founders" in order to explain the controversial origins of Labor Day.

Is this accurate? Which line from the article supports your answer?

Yes; In the U.S., it was picnics, rather than street protests, that won the day in the end.

Yes; The earliest history from the mid-1930s credits Peter J. McGuire, who founded the New York City Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, a union.

No; Socialist unions supported a day of demonstrations, street protests and even violence.

No; There is also a dispute over who suggested the idea of Labor Day, though this will likely never be known.


Yes; The earliest history from the mid-1930s credits Peter J. McGuire, who founded the New York City Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, a union.

What is the MOST LIKELY reason for including information about HOW Labor Day became a national and state holiday?

It offers another explanation for the origins of Labor Day.

It presents evidence that Labor Day has positively changed the lives of workers.

It shows that the reforms Labor Day was designed to implement are not enjoyed by all workers.

It provides a timeline of how long it took for unions to accomplish their goal of improved working conditions.


It presents evidence that Labor Day has positively changed the lives of workers.