which of the following details from a report about martin luther king jr is considered an example

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided any options or details to choose from. Could you please provide more information or specify the options?

is it martin luther king jr served sevral ways as minister civil rights activist and writer, over 700 streets in the united states are named after matin luther king jr, king belived the time is always right to do right, or martin luther king jr gave his i have a dream speech in 1963

The detail from a report about Martin Luther King Jr that can be considered an example is:

- Martin Luther King Jr gave his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.

This detail provides a specific example of one of King's significant contributions and actions during the civil rights movement.

which of the following describes quotations

is it exact words taken from a speech or text, exact meanings of words, situations people or things that illusrate an idea, or things that can be proven

The correct answer is:

- Exact words taken from a speech or text

Quotations refer to the use of someone's exact words, as spoken or written, and are typically cited or referenced to give credit to the original source.

why are details included in a text

is it to add info in support of a topic, to provide the organizational structure of a text, to distract the reader from the topic, or to introduce the topic of a text

Details are included in a text to add information in support of a topic. They provide specific examples, evidence, or explanations to strengthen the main idea or argument being presented in the text. The details help to enhance the reader's understanding and provide evidence for the claims being made.


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which factor contributed to songhais downfall as a powerful empire

is it a decades long drought, its refusal to participate in trade, internal struggles between rulers, or its geographic isolation from other regiouns