Which property is shown by −8(4+3)=(−8)(4)+(−8)(3)

(1 point)

Associative Property of Addition
Associative Property of Addition

Distributive Property
Distributive Property

Identity Property of Addition
Identity Property of Addition

Commutative Property of Addition

Distributive Property

The property that is shown by the equation −8(4+3)=(−8)(4)+(−8)(3) is the Distributive Property.

To understand why, let's break down the equation:
−8(4+3) can be rewritten as −8 * 4 + (−8 * 3).

The Distributive Property states that when you multiply a number by a sum, you can distribute the multiplication to each term in the sum. In this case, we are multiplying −8 by the sum (4+3), so we can distribute the multiplication to both terms: −8 * 4 + (−8 * 3).

By applying the Distributive Property, we obtain −32 + (−24) which simplifies to -56.

Therefore, the equation −8(4+3)=(−8)(4)+(−8)(3) demonstrates the Distributive Property.

The property shown by the equation -8(4+3)=(-8)(4)+(-8)(3) is the Distributive Property.