What is the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25?

When you divide −1011 by −25, the quotient is 40.44.

What is the quotient when you divide −10/11 by −2/5

To find the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division problem: −1011 ÷ −25.
Step 2: Divide the absolute values of the numbers: 1011 ÷ 25 = 40.
Step 3: Determine the sign of the quotient. Since both numbers are negative, the quotient is positive.
Step 4: Write the quotient with the correct sign: +40.

So, the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25 is +40.

To find the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25, you can follow these steps:

1. Divide the absolute values of the numbers: Divide 1011 by 25, which equals 40.

2. Determine the sign of the quotient: Since both numbers are negative, the quotient will be positive.

3. Therefore, the quotient when you divide −1011 by −25 is 40.